Welcome to Nursery!
Our Nursery opens for two sessions daily:
Class 1: Morning from 9am to 11.30am with Miss Laura Evans as teacher
Class 2: Afternoon from 12.15pm to 2.45pm with Mrs Miriam Morgans as teacher
Both our teachers are joined by a team of staff dedicated to looking after our little ones here at Hawarden Village Church School.
A number of local day nurseries offer drop-off/pick-up services - please contact them directly to discuss.
For the latest news, follow Nursery on twitter: @YNHVCS
Nursery Christmas Concert
Monday 11th December
Our Nursery Rhyme Nativity is just around the corner! Here are the details...
ALL children in Class 1 and Class 2 will attend school for the morning concert ONLY, from 9am.
Please can ALL children arrive at 9am via the usual door, Gate 1.
Please can children come to school dressed in their costumes (details to follow), NO bookbags please.
The concert will start at c. 9.20am and end at c. 9.40am. After the concert, please collect your child from the Nursery playground, exiting the hall via the side door and up the steps to the playground. There will NOT be any formal Nursery sessions on this day.
Many thanks for your support,
The Nursery Team
Nursery September 2023
Please look at our new Welcome to Nursery Booklet with your child, with lots of lovely pictures to show them.