We have a number of 'councils' in school to help represent the views of all our pupils. Known as our 'Pupils' Voice', it gives children an opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community.
School Council News, March 2023
The House Captains met for their end-of-term Senedd meeting this week with our Chair of Governors, Mr Platten. They were joined by our visitors from GwE. Within the meeting each Committee Chair outlined completed tasks and activities conducted throughout the term, and gave details on prioritises going forward into the Summer term.
It was a very successful meeting and the GwE advisors’ feedback was very positive. They were very impressed with each of the Chair's succinct reports and how passionate they were for each of their committees. It was evident that all pupils within these committees are having their say regarding ways to improve our school.
Da iawn pawb!
Our Juniors have been designing characters for the School Council competition - 'to design a character to show the 4 Core Purposes within the New Curriculum' - here are the final entries...
Our Criw Cymraeg in discussion with Mrs D Jones, February 2022
Year 3s designing characters for the School Council competition - 'to design a character to show the 4 Core Purposes within the New Curriculum'...