Every half term, our school looks at a different Christian Value that we try to instil in our everyday practice in teaching and during collective worship. In our weekly newsletter, we make reference to these values and ask that parents/carers try and help reinforce each value at home.
Our Christian Value this term is Courage
Term | Year A | Year B |
Autumn 1st Half Term
| Generosity | Thankfulness |
Autumn 2nd Half Term
| Compassion | Trust |
Spring 1st Half Term
| Courage | Perseverance |
Spring 2nd Half Term
| Forgiveness | Justice |
Summer 1st Half Term
| Friendship | Service |
Summer 2nd Half Term
| Respect | Truthfulness |
n how you can help.
Golden Rules & Christian Values
A mantra for life
We are Gentle. We show Compassion, Friendship, Respect and Trust.
We are Kind and Helpful. We show Generosity, Respect, Thankfulness and Service.
We Listen. We show Respect and Trust.
We Work Hard. We show Perseverance, Courage and Trust.
We are Honest. We show Trust, Friendship, Respect, Forgiveness and Truthfulness.
We look after property. We show Respect.
Please also see Christian Values page for web links and details of our children's Values Committee.