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Welcome from Chair of GB



A message from our Chair of Governors...


Dear Parents and Carers,


On behalf of the Governing Body, I am delighted to welcome you to our school. We are the largest ‘Church in Wales’ school in North East Wales, situated in the historic village of Hawarden, close to our local parish church of St Deiniol’s.


There are currently 18 members of the Governing Body representing our key stakeholders, including parents, teachers, support staff, the church, the local authority and our local community council.


The Governing Body is primarily responsible for:


  1. Overall strategy including the mission, aims and policies of the school.


  1. Providing challenge and support for the Headteacher in his day-to-day leadership and management of the school.


  1. Being accountable to all stakeholders for the standards achieved and provision made for the education of all pupils.


The Governing Body formulated the school’s Mission Statement, which embodies what Hawarden Village Church School stands for and is aiming to achieve. Children's learning and wellbeing founded on Christian values is central to our mission. In our prospectus, we aim to explain what our mission will mean in practice for your child. 


Traditionally, our Governing Body meetings always have inputs from pupils, as we recognise that their experiences should be the focus of our role and responsibilities.


You can rest assured that all staff and governors, plus everyone associated with our school, are committed to ensuring your child benefits from a happy and successful start to their school life.


On a personal note, as a parent and grandparent whose son attended Hawarden schools and as a former Headteacher of Castell Alun High School, university lecturer in school leadership and trainer for aspiring headteachers, I recognise the value of a first-class education and I am committed to ensuring that our school provides your child with that priceless experience.


As Chair of Governors of Hawarden Village Church School, may I extend a very warm welcome to you all. I look forward to meeting you in the future when your child becomes a member of our school community.



Mr Don Platten

M.Ed. M.C.M.I. Chair of Governors
